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Is Caline Blue Ocean a Direct Clone of Mad Professor Deep Blue

101 Effect Pedal Clones

List of effect clonesWell, more like over 200 so far, and hopefully we'll find more to add to the list of effect pedal clones. I started looking into this after doing some makeovers to a couple of Joyo pedals I had. The ones I've included here are those that are readily available off eBay. There will also be some that are no longer in production, but you'll often see them in second-hand stores as a bargain pickup! I should also add that the guys at Spartan Music in the UK did a great job as a starting point for my list. I'm sure I've missed a bunch so please don't hesitate to leave comments.

Now I should add a bit the term "clone". Some of these pedals really are true clones – a direct copy. But for some it's more that the manufacturer was intending to replicate the original design in a general sense. There are threads in forums all over the web about how closely a pedal performs in relation to the original. I'd suggest using this database as a starting point for your own research before you buy. Remember too that there are a bunch of factors (guitar, amp, playing style, other effects etc) that will determine the sound you get from a pedal.  In some cases a "clone" may deliver what you want better than the original. Lots of caveats I know, but just wanted to get it out there.

I'm particularly a fan of basic analogue effect pedal clones – simple circuits that for the most part are well known. In the end, it comes down to the quality of components and the quality of the build. That's where I'd again recommend doing some google/forum research before you purchase. Then again, at the price some of these are at it's not the most expensive mistake you'll make. Remember too that they are rarely if ever exactly the same as the original – they are "based" on the original. In some cases you may even prefer what they've done.

Of course, there will always be some debate about whether one should support the effect pedal clones manufacturers. I'll leave that for your own choice, but my pedalboards contain more boutique pedals than clones, and sometimes it's a cheap clone that has led me to eventually purchase "the real thing". In fact, I've often wondered why some of the boutique companies don't release their own clones. Using the very factories in China that are making the ones they see as competitors, they could have their own. A bit like the Squier/Fender situation.

Oh, and at the other end of the scale, you might find this interesting: a list of 20 of the most expensive effects and the sounds they make!

Anyway, here's the list – you can sort the list by either the original or the clone too. I hope it proves useful in your search for new effects to try!


14/12/17: I've just started adding the TC Electronic's line of cheaper pedals. From what I can establish, these are based on the Behringer pedals that are clones of the Boss pedals! Yep, cloning clones – but it does make sense given Behringer own TC Electronic. I'm still missing a few of them but will add them when I find out – or when someone tells me in the comments below!

Clone Original
Biyang AD-10 Delay Boss DM-3 Analogue Delay
Biyang BL-8 Blue Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
Biyang CH-10 Chorus Boss CE-2 Chorus
Biyang CO-10 MXR Dyna Comp
Biyang DS-8 Mouse Pro Co RAT
Biyang EQ-7 Boss EQ-7
Biyang FZ-10 Fuzz Star Electro-Harmonix Big Muff
Biyang OD-10 Mad Driver Ibanez Tube Screamer
Biyang OD-8 X Drive Ibanez Tube Screamer
Biyang PH-10 Phaser MXR Phase 90
Caline Blue Ocean Mad Professor Deep Blue
Caline Pure Sky Overdrive Timmy
Caline CP-43 Pegasus Klon Centaur
Caline Crazy Cacti Fulltone Fulldrive 2
Caline Englishman Carl Martin Plexitone
Caline Hot Mushroom MXR Dyna Comp
Caline Orange Burst Xotic BB Preamp
Caline Rockface Wampler Plexidrive
Caline Sand Storm MI Audio Crunch Box
Caline White Heat DOD Overdrive Preamp 250
Daphon E20CH Boss CE-2 Chorus
Daphon E20DL Boss DM-3 Analogue Delay
Daphon E20DS Boss DS-1 Distortion
Daphon E20FL Boss BF-2 Flanger
Daphon E20GE Boss EQ-7
Donner Blues Drive Ibanez TS-9
Donner Boost Killer Xotic RC Booster
Donner Giant Metal Electro-Harmonix Metal Muff
Donner Jet Convolution Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress
Donner Morpher Suhr Riot
Donner Pearl Tremor MXR Phase 90
Donner Stylish Fuzz Electro-Harmonix Triangle Big Muff Pi
Donner Tutti Love Boss CE-2 Chorus
ENO AD6 Delay Boss DM-3 Analogue Delay
ENO AE-1 Ambient Echo Boss DM-2 Delay
ENO BF-2 Flanger Boss BF-2 Flanger
ENO BMF Electro-Harmonix Big Muff
ENO CH-2 Boss CH-1 Chorus
ENO Classic DS-1 MI Audio Crunch Box
ENO ES9 Ibanez Tube Screamer
ENO Metalistik DM-3 Electro-Harmonix Metal Muff
ENO Myomorpha DR-1S Pro Co RAT
ENO OCT-1 Octaver Boss OC-2 Octave
ENO OD-9 Ibanez TS-9
ENO Trinity Boss DS-1 Distortion
ENO Trouble DSO-2 Fulltone OCD
Joyo JDI-01 DI Box H&K Red Box Classic
Joyo JF-01 Vintage Overdrive Ibanez TS-808
Joyo JF-02 Ultimate Overdrive Fulltone OCD
Joyo JF-03 Crunch Distortion MI Audio Crunch Box
Joyo JF-04 High Gain Distortion Marshall Shredmaster
Joyo JF-05 Classic Chorus Ibanez CS-9
Joyo JF-06 Vintage Phase MXR Phase 90
Joyo JF-07 Classic Flanger Ibanez FL-9 Flanger
Joyo JF-08 Delay Boss DD-2 Delay
Joyo JF-09 Tremolo Diaz Tremodillo
Joyo JF-10 Dynamic Compressor MXR Dyna Comp
Joyo JF-11 6 Band EQ MXR 6 Band EQ
Joyo JF-12 Voodoo Octave Fulltone Ultimate Octave
Joyo JF-13 AC Tone Tech 21 SansAmp Character Liverpool
Joyo JF-14 American Sound Tech 21 SansAmp Character Blonde
Joyo JF-15 California Sound Tech 21 SansAmp Character California
Joyo JF-16 British Sound Tech 21 SansAmp Character British
Joyo JF-17 Extreme Metal Electro-Harmonix Metal Muff
Joyo JF-30 A/B Switch Fender Micro ABY
Joyo JF-32 Hot Plexi Drive Carl Martin Plexitone
Joyo JF-34 US Dream Suhr Riot
Joyo JF-35 Pocket Metal Electro-Harmonix Pocket Metal Muff
Joyo JF-36 Sweet Baby Mad Professor Sweet Honey
Joyo JF-37 Analog Chorus Boss CE-2 Chorus
Joyo JF-38 Roll Boost Xotic RC Booster
Little Bear BS1 Fuzz Zvex Woolly Mammoth
Little Bear RA.TTACK RT-2 Pro Co RAT
Moen Fuzz Moo Electro-Harmonix Rams Head
Moen Shaky Jimi Dunlop Uni-Vibe
Mooer 90 MXR Phase 90
Mooer ABY Electro-Harmonix Switchblade
Mooer Acoustikar Boss AC-2
Mooer AnaEcho Boss DM-2 Analogue Delay
Mooer Black Secret Pro Co RAT
Mooer Blade Electro-Harmonix Metal Muff
Mooer Blue Comp Boss CS-2 Compressor
Mooer Blue Faze Jim Dunlop Fuzz Face
Mooer Blues Crab Marshall Blues Breaker
Mooer Blues Mood Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
Mooer Cruncher MI Audio Crunch Box
Mooer Echolizer Maxon AD999
Mooer Eleclady Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress
Mooer Ensemble King Boss CE-2 Chorus
Mooer Flex Boost Xotic AC Booster
Mooer Funky Monkey Boss AW-2
Mooer Green Mile Ibanez Tube Screamer
Mooer Grey Faze Arbiter Fuzz Face
Mooer Hustle Drive Fulltone OCD
Mooer Ninety Orange MXR Phase 90
Mooer Pitch Box Boss PS-5
Mooer Pure Boost Xotic RC Booster
Mooer Pure Octave Boss OC-3 Octave
Mooer ReEcho Boss DD-2 Delay
Mooer Solo Suhr Riot
Mooer Sweeper Electro-Harmonix Bassballs
Mooer Trelicopter Demeter Tremulator
Mooer Triangle Buff Electro-Harmonix Triangle Muff
Mooer Ultra Drive Boss DS-1 Distortion
Behringer AB100 Guitar/Amp Selector Nobels AB1 Active A/B Selector Pedal
Behringer ADI21 V-Tone Acoustic Driver Tech21 Sansamp Acoustic D.I.
Behringer AM100/AM300 Acoustic Modeller Boss AC-2 Acoustic Simulator
Behringer AM400 Ultra Acoustic Modeller Boss AC-3 Acoustic Simulator
Behringer BCH100/BUC400 Ultra Bass Chorus Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus
Behringer BDI21 V-Tone Bass Driver Tech21 Sansamp Bass D.I.
Behringer BEQ700 Bass Graphic Equalizer Boss GEB-7 Bass Equalizer
Behringer BLE100/BLE400 Bass Limiter Enhancer Boss LMB-3 Bass Limiter Enhancer
Behringer BO100/BO300 Blues Overdrive Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
Behringer BOD100/BOD400 Bass Overdrive Boss ODB-3 Bass OverDrive
Behringer BSY600 Bass Synthesizer Boss SYB-5 Bass Synthesizer
Behringer BUF300 Ultra Bass Flanger Boss BF-2B Bass Flanger
Behringer CC300 Chorus Space-C Boss DC-2 Dimension Chorus
Behringer CD400 Chorus Space-D Boss DC-3 Digital Dimension
Behringer CL9 Compressor/Limiter Ibanez CP 9 Compressor/Limiter
Behringer CO600 Chorus Orchestra Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble
Behringer CS100/CS400 Compressor Sustainer Boss CS-3 Compression Sustainer
Behringer DC9 Dynamic Compressor MXR M-102 MXR dyna comp
Behringer DD100/DD400 Digital Delay Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
Behringer DD600 Digital Delay Boss DD-5 Digital Delay
Behringer DM100 Distortion Modeller Boss DS-1 Distortion
Behringer DR100/DR600 Digital Reverb Boss RV-5 Digital Reverb
Behringer DR400 Digital Reverb/Delay Boss RV-3 Digital Reverb/Delay
Behringer DW400 Dynamic Wah/Human Voice Boss AW-3 Dynamic Wah
Behringer EM600 Echo Machine LINE 6 Echo Park
Behringer EQ700 Guitar Graphic Equalizer
Boss GE-7 Guitar Equalizer
Behringer FD300 Ultra Feedback/Distortion Boss DF-2 SUPER Feedbacker & Distortion
Behringer FL600 Flanger Machine LINE 6 Liqua-Flange
Behringer FM600 Filter Machine LINE 6 Otto Filter
Behringer GDI21 V-Tone Guitar Driver Tech21 GT2 Sansamp
Behringer HB01 Hellbabe Jim Dunlop Crybaby From Hell
Behringer HD300 Heavy Distortion Boss MD-2 Mega Distortion
Behringer HF300 Hi Band Flanger Boss HF-2 Hi Band Flanger
Behringer HM300 Heavy Metal Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal
Behringer IG9 Intelligate MXR M-135 Smart Gate
Behringer NR100/NR300 Noise Reducer Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor
Behringer OD100/OD300 Overdrive Distortion Boss OS-2 OverDrive/Distortion
Behringer OD400 Overdrive Boss OD-3 OverDrive
Behringer PB100 Preamp Booster Nobels PRE1 Preamp Booster Pedal
Behringer PH9 Phaser MXR EVH Phase 90
Behringer PO300 Power Overdrive Boss PW-2 Power Driver
Behringer RM600 Rotary Machine LINE 6 Roto Machine
Behringer RV600 Reverb Machine LINE 6 Verbzilla
Behringer SE200 Spectrum Enhancer Boss SP-1 Spectrum
Behringer SF300 Super Fuzz Boss FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz
Behringer SF400 Super Flanger Boss BF-3 Flanger
Behringer SM200 Slow Motion
Boss SG-1 Slow Gear
Behringer SM400 Super Metal Boss HM-3 HYPER Metal
Behringer SO400 Super Octaver Boss OC-3 Super Octave
Behringer SP400 Super Phase Shifter Boss PH-3 Phase Shifter
Behringer TM300 Tube Amp Modeler Tech21 GT2 Sansamp
Behringer TO100 Tube Overdrive
Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
Behringer TO800 Vintage Tube Overdrive Ibanez TS808 Vintage Tube Screamer
Behringer TP300 Ultra Tremolo/Pan Boss PN-2 Tremolo/Pan
Behringer TU100/TU300 Chromatic Tuner Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
Behringer UC100/UC200 Ultra Chorus
Boss CH-1 Super Chorus
Behringer UD100 / UD300 Ultra Distortion Boss DS-2 Turbo Distortion
Behringer UF100/UF300 Ultra Flanger Boss BF-2 Flanger
Behringer UM100/UM300 Ultra Metal Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
Behringer UO100/UO300 Ultra Octaver Boss OC-2 Octave
Behringer UP100/UP300 Ultra Phase Shifter Boss PH-2 Super Phaser
Behringer US600 Ultra Shifter/Harmonist Boss PS-5 Super Shifter
Behringer UT100 / UT300 Ultra Tremolo Boss TR-2 Tremolo
Behringer UV300 Ultra Vibrato Boss VB-2 Vibrato
Behringer UW300 Ultra Wah Boss AW-2 Auto Wah
Behringer UZ400 Ultra Fuzz Boss FZ-3 Fuzz
Behringer VB1 Vintage Bass Electro-Harmonix Bassballs
Behringer VD1 Vintage Distortion Electro-Harmonix Big Muff
Behringer VD400 Vintage Delay Boss DM-3 Delay
Behringer VM1 Vintage Time Machine Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man
Behringer VP1 Vintage Phaser Electro-Harmonix Small Stone Phase Shifter
Behringer VT911 Vintage Tube Overdrive
Chandler/B.K. Butler 910/911 Tube Driver
Behringer VT999 Vintage Tube Monster Ibanez TK999 Tube King
Behringer WD300 Warp Distortion Hughes & Kettner Warp Factor Distortion
Behringer XD300 Distortion-X Boss XT-2 Xtortion
Danelectro Cool Cat Trem Demeter Tremulator
Danelectro Transparent OD v.1 Timmy
Danelectro Daddy-O Overdrive Marshall Guv'nor
Danelectro Cool Cat Drive v.1 Fulltone OCD
Danelectro Fish n Chips Boss GE-7
Danelectro French Toast Octave Fuzz Foxx Tone Machine
Danelectro Cool Cat Fuzz v.1 Frantone Peachfuzz
Danelectro FAB 1 Distortion Boss DS-1
Danelectro FAB 2 Overdrive Nadine Overdrive
Danelectro FAB Tone Distortion Boss MT-2
Mooer ShimVerb Strymon Blue Sky
Mooer Twin Looper Boss RC20
Caline CP-11 Puffer Jim Dunlop Fuzz Face (silicon)
DeltaLab TO1 Ibanez Tube Screamer
TC Electronic Crescendo Auto Swell Boss SG-1 Slow Gear
TC Electronic Iron Curtain Noise Gate Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor
TC Electronic Eye Master Metal Distortion Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal
TC Electronic El Mocambo Overdrive Ibanez TS-9
TC Electronic Honey Pot Fuzz Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi
TC Electronic 3rd Dimension Chorus Boss DC-2 Dimension Chorus
TC Electronic Thunderstorm Flanger Boss BF-2 Flanger
TC Electronic Rusty Fuzz Boss FZ-2 HYPER Fuzz


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